Stone Cottage Farm Family - Registered American Alpines, and Purebred Nubians
If you do not know, most beautiful of women, follow the tracks of the sheep and graze your young goats by the tents of the shepherds.
Song of Solomon 1:8
Song of Solomon 1:8

Bosco is our first registered Alpine buck, the resident cool king of our herd. We heard all sorts of bad things about bucks before we brought home our first four goats, and Bosco has proven all that negative talk wrong. In our experience so far, you won't meet a sweeter, gentler goat than Bosco.

Barb is our only unregistered doe. She was the fourth doe we added to the herd as a pregnant first freshener. She was a bit skittish when we first got her, which caused real challenges if we needed her for whatever reasons. She has come around 100% since then. She may not want to cuddle like the rest, but she's an angel on the stand and will come to long as you have a cookie.

Breezy is our purebred Nubian Buck. We purchased Breezy with two purebred nubian does early 2012. Breezy is your typical teenager. The ladies just love him, spending much time flirting with him through the fence. The first three kids he sired were all girls. Hoping this trend continues in 2013
Galazy (Lexi) and her first Kid Morgan(2012)

Lexi is one of our sweetest does. She is smart, an awesome mom, and all around sweetheart. Can't say enough good things about Lexi. On the milk stand, as a first freshenerr, she behaved like she'd been doing it for 20 years. A real angel.
Morgan (2012) is very proper. She acts and looks like a real lady. I see her becoming head doe when Rose is ready to retire.
Morgan (2012) is very proper. She acts and looks like a real lady. I see her becoming head doe when Rose is ready to retire.
Maggie and her kids Velma and Thelma (2012)

Maggie. You could easily replace "Blond" in any blond joke, with "Maggie the brown, moon-spotted, nubian" and it would fit. She loves to flip her ears as she trots across the pasture and can never get enough attention. She is beautiful and loves to flaunt it. A great mom, but a real challenge on the milk stand.
Velma(2012) looks and acts just like her mother.
Thelma(2012) is refined and sweet. She doesn't shy away from attention, but a does not beg for it like most of the others.
Velma(2012) looks and acts just like her mother.
Thelma(2012) is refined and sweet. She doesn't shy away from attention, but a does not beg for it like most of the others.